Charcoal grills vs. gas grills: What suits your needs?

Charcoal grills vs. gas grills: What suits your needs?

Charcoal or gas. Both give excellent results, so choose the one that best suits your style of cooking.-Bobby Flay Even though the best chefs in the world believe both gas and charcoal give great results, the discussion – or rather argument – over which is better can...
It’s time to fire up the grill – for fruits and veggies

It’s time to fire up the grill – for fruits and veggies

What’s on the grill tonight? The likely answer is steaks, hot dogs or hamburgers – but that doesn’t have to be the end of it. Side dishes, veggies and even fruits are delicious when cooked on the grill. Preparing the grill Don’t just light the grill and throw on the...
Got meat? Grill it to perfection with these helpful tips

Got meat? Grill it to perfection with these helpful tips

What are you grilling tonight? If you’re like most Americans, you’re probably grilling hamburgers, steaks, hot dogs or chicken. Of course, there’s an endless array of grilling options, but these are the most popular. Here are some helpful pointers to grilling the...
Got marinade? Don’t grill without it

Got marinade? Don’t grill without it

Are you marinating your meat before grilling? You should be! Marinating meats doesn’t just enhance the flavor, it offers several health benefits as well. From increased flavor to reducing the amount of carcinogenic heterocyclic amines (HCAs), marinades can do amazing...
Can you count on your countertops?

Can you count on your countertops?

When you imagine your dream outdoor kitchen, what do you think about? You’re probably not thinking about the countertops, are you? Well, maybe you should be. Outdoor kitchen countertops are a bigger decision than you might think. Selecting the wrong countertops could...

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